According to the definition of 4Ps international standard,This indicator focuses on the stability and loyalty of customer contact center employees.
The beginning of the period is the number of active staff at 00:00:00 on the first day of the statistical cycle
The end of the period is the number of active staff at 23:59:59 on the last day of the statistical cycle
The number of employees who leave the organization refers to the number of employees who complete the handover work in the statistical cycle, including active and passive.
On-the-job employee is the employee who formally signs the labor contract.
Turnover of temporary positions: active and passive departures before the end of the position.
When calculating and analyzing staff turnover, it is necessary to distinguish the first-line seats from other employees, and calculate
and analyze the active and passive turnover respectively.
Turnover measures both active and passive turnover.
The turnover rate is reported as an annual percentage, analysed quarterly at least, and monitored monthly.
Track the turnover rate, whether it is a company's own employees or outsourced to a third party labor company.
Customer contact centers need to compare national, regional, and local resources and set turnover targets accordingly.
If we use our data to set the target, the data should come from atleast 4 different regions and 4 similar service organizations.
The comparative data are updated at least every 18 months
work pressure, work convenience, relationship between superior and subordinate, lack of development, lack of recognition of workachievement
are the main causes of employee turnover, which is usually more important than simple salary demand. Providing more development opportunities and increasing internal team building is an effective way to improve employee stability.
按月或按年。By month or year.
--外部中心的員工流失率范圍是 25% -- 330%;
The turnover rate of employees in the external centres ranges from 25% to 330%;
--內(nèi)部中心的員工流失率范圍是 5% -- 120%;
The staff turnover rate in the internal centres ranges from 5% to 120%;
對于內(nèi)部和外部的各類客服中心,年流失率65% - 120%是普遍存在;
For internal and external customer service centers, the annual wastage rate
of 65%-120% is widespread;
良好的客服中心年流失率在25% -- 65%之間;
The annual wastage rate of good customer service centers is between 25% -65%;
優(yōu)秀的客服中心年流失率在5% --25%之間;
The annual wastage rate of excellent customer service centers is between 5% and 25%;
On 1 January, 130 persons were employed; on 31 January, 125 persons were
employed; on 15 January, 3 employees were transferred to other departments
of the company; on 7 January, 1 senior CSR was transferred to QA, 1 senior
CSR was formally promoted to TL; and on 20 January, 2 persons left their posts
1月份員工流失率=(3+2)/{(130+125)/2}=3.92%。The employee turnover rate in January was 3.92 = (3.2) / {(130,125) / 2}.
指標(biāo)級別:關(guān)鍵指標(biāo) Key indicators