主頁 > 知識庫 > Shell獲取當前正在執(zhí)行腳本的絕對路徑


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1. pwd命令

我們看看使用pwd命令能否獲取當前正在執(zhí)行腳本的絕對路徑。該命令的作用是“print name of current/working directory”,真實含義是當前工作目錄,并不是正在執(zhí)行腳本的目錄。

xiaosi@Qunar:~/company/sh$ cat pwd.sh
echo `pwd`
xiaosi@Qunar:~/company/sh$ sh pwd.sh
xiaosi@Qunar:~/company/sh$ cd ..
xiaosi@Qunar:~/company$ sh sh/pwd.sh 

pwd.sh腳本中只有一句:echo `pwd`。通過在不同路徑下運行腳本,sh pwd.sh得到/home/xiaosi/company/sh,然而sh sh/pwd.sh 得到/home/xiaosi/company,所以說pwd命令并不能得到正在執(zhí)行腳本的目錄。

2. $0

$0是Bash環(huán)境下的特殊變量,其真實含義是:Expands to the name of the shell or shell script. This is set at shell initialization.  If bash is invoked with a file of commands, $0 is set to the name of that file. If bash is started with the -c option, then $0 is set to the first argument after the string to be executed, if one is present. Otherwise, it is set to the file name used to invoke bash, as given by argument zero。



xiaosi@Qunar:~/company/sh$ cat pwd.sh 
echo $0
xiaosi@Qunar:~/company/sh$ sh pwd.sh 



3. 正解

basepath=$(cd `dirname $0`; pwd)

dirname $0,取得當前執(zhí)行的腳本文件的父目錄

cd `dirname $0`,進入這個目錄(切換當前工作目錄)



  • Shell中獲取腳本所在目錄絕對路徑的方法

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