進程文件: fastdown or fastdown.exe 進程名稱: acocash 進程類別:存在安全風險的進程 英文描述:
fastdown.exe is a process that disconnects your current internet connection and then redials to to tool number. This program is a registered security risk and should be removed immediately. If found on your system make sure that you have downloaded the 中文參考: fastdown.exe進程會端口你當前的網(wǎng)絡連接,并撥打一個收費高昂的ISP接入號碼。 出品者:acocash 屬于:acocash 系統(tǒng)進程:No 后臺程序:No 網(wǎng)絡相關:No 常見錯誤:N/A 內存使用:N/A 安全等級 (0-5): 4 間諜軟件:No 廣告軟件:No 病毒:Yes 木馬:No