大部分ASP應用,都離不開對數(shù)據(jù)庫的訪問及操作,所以,對于數(shù)據(jù)庫部分的訪問操作,我們應該單獨抽象出來,封裝成一個單獨的類。如果所用語言支持繼承,可以封裝一個這樣的類,然后在數(shù)據(jù)操作層繼承即可。下面是我寫的一個ACCESS數(shù)據(jù)庫訪問的類,針對ACCESS作了優(yōu)化,不過因為缺少足夠的應用測試,可能仍然存在未知的bug及應用限制,主要代碼如下: % Class Oledb Private IDataPath Private IConnectionString Private Conn Private Cmd Private Param Private Rs Public Property Let DataPath(ByVal Value) IDataPath = Value IConnectionString = "Provider = Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source = " Server.MapPath(IDataPath) End Property Public Property Get DataPath() DataPath = IDataPath End Property Public Property Let ConnectionString(ByVal Value) IConnectionString = Value End Property Public Property Get ConnectionString() ConnectionString = IConnectionString End Property Public Function OpenConn() If Conn.State = adStateClosed Then Conn.Open ConnectionString End If Set OpenConn = Conn End Function Public Function Insert(ByVal Sql, ByVal Values) OpenConn() Rs.Open Sql, Conn, 3, 3, adCmdText Rs.AddNew Dim i, l l = UBound(Values) For i = 1 To l + 1 Rs(i) = Values(i - 1) Next Rs.Update Insert = Rs(0) End Function Public Function Execute(ByVal Sql) OpenConn() Set Execute = Conn.Execute(Sql) End Function Public Function ExecuteScalar(ByVal Sql) Dim iRs : Set iRs = Execute(Sql) If Not iRs.BOF Then ExecuteScalar = iRs(0) End Function Public Function ExecuteNonQuery(ByVal Sql) OpenConn() Call Conn.Execute(Sql, ExecuteNonQuery) End Function Public Function InsertSp(ByVal Sql, ByVal Params) OpenConn() Rs.Open Sql, Conn, 3, 3, adCmdStoredProc Rs.AddNew Dim i, l l = UBound(Params) For i = 1 To l + 1 Rs(i) = Params(i - 1) Next Rs.Update InsertSp = Rs(0) End Function Public Function ExecuteSp(ByVal SpName, ByVal Params) With Cmd Set .ActiveConnection = OpenConn() .CommandText = SpName .CommandType = H0004 .Prepared = True Set ExecuteSp = .Execute(,Params) End With End Function Public Function ExecuteDataTableSp(ByVal SpName, ByVal Params) OpenConn() If Rs.State > adStateClose Then Rs.Close() End If Dim SpStr If IsNull(Params) Or IsEmpty(Params) Then SpStr = SpName Else If IsArray(Params) Then SpStr = "Execute " SpName " " Join(Params, ",") Else SpStr = "Execute " SpName " " Params End If End If Call Rs.Open(SpStr, Conn, 1, 1, adCmdStoredProc) Set ExecuteDataTableSp = Rs End Function Public Function ExecuteScalarSp(ByVal SpName, ByVal Params) Dim iRs : Set iRs = ExecuteSp(SpName, Params) If Not iRs.BOF Then ExecuteScalarSp = iRs(0) End Function Public Function ExecuteNonQuerySp(ByVal SpName, ByVal Params) With Cmd Set .ActiveConnection = OpenConn() .CommandText = SpName .CommandType = H0004 .Prepared = True Call .Execute(ExecuteNonQuerySp, Params) End With End Function Private Sub Class_Initialize() Set Conn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection") Set Cmd = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Command") Set Param = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Parameter") Set Rs = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.RecordSet") DataPath = "/data/data.mdb" '這里寫你的數(shù)據(jù)庫默認路徑,建議更改名稱及擴展名 End Sub Private Sub Class_Terminate() Set Param = Nothing Set Cmd = Nothing CloseRs() CloseConn() End Sub Private Sub CloseConn() If Conn.State > adStateClose Then Conn.Close() Set Conn = Nothing End If End Sub Private Sub CloseRs() If Rs.State > adStateClose Then Rs.Close() Set Rs = Nothing End If End Sub End Class %>