path = server.mappath(path)
set fso=server.CreateObject("scripting.filesystemobject")
set objFolder=fso.GetFolder(path)
set objfiles = objfolder.files
int slot = 0
Dim theFiles()
redim theFiles(50)
for each objFile in objFiles
filename = objFile.name
filePath = split(objFile.path,"docs\&;)
thepath1 = "./docs/"
thepath = thepath1 filepath(1)
theFiles(slot) = filename"**"thepath
slot = slot + 1
if slot > UBound(theFiles) then
ReDim Preserve theFiles(Slot+20)
end if
ReDim Preserve theFiles(slot)
for i = 0 to UBound(theFiles)-2
for j = i+1 to UBound(theFiles)-1
if strComp(theFiles(i),theFiles(j)) = 1 then
tmp = theFiles(i)
theFiles(i) = theFiles(j)
theFiles(j) = tmp
end if
for i = 0 to UBound(theFiles)-1
para = theFiles(i)
filename = split(para,"**",-1,1)(0)
filepath = split(para,"**",-1,1)(1)
p align = "left">
---img src='../../images/arrow_orange.gif' width='14' height='11'>
a href='%=filepath%>'>span class="activelink_yellow">%=filename%>/span>/a>
end function