Const FontColor = H000000 ' 字體顏色
Const BgColor = HFFCCFF ' 背景顏色
Call CreatValidCode("GetCode")
Sub CreatValidCode(pSN)
Dim x, Jpeg
x = Array(1+Int(Rnd()*9), Int(Rnd()*10), 1+Int(Rnd()*9), Int(Rnd()*10), 0, 0, "+")
x(4) = x(0)*10 + x(1)
x(5) = x(2)*10 + x(3)
'Session(pSN) = CStr(Eval(x(4) x(6) x(5)))
Session(pSN) = CStr(x(4) + x(5))
Set Jpeg = Server.CreateObject("Persits.Jpeg")
Jpeg.New 100,20,BgColor
With Jpeg.Canvas
.Font.Bold = True
.Font.Size = 16
.Font.Rotation = 0
.Font.Family = "楷體_GB2312"
.Font.Color = FontColor
.PrintText 4, 3, CStr(x(0))
.PrintText 14, 3, CStr(x(1))
.PrintText 26, 3, x(6)
.PrintText 38, 3, CStr(x(2))
.PrintText 48, 3, CStr(x(3))
.Font.Rotation = 15
.PrintText 55, 3, "等"
.PrintText 70, 3, "于"
.PrintText 85, 3, "?"
End With
Response.ContentType = "image/jpeg"
Response.Expires = -9999
Response.AddHeader "pragma", "no-cache"
Response.AddHeader "cache-ctrol", "no-cache"
Response.AddHeader "Content-Disposition","inline; filename=vcode.jpg"
Set Jpeg = Nothing
End Sub